UKC 2023–Call for Papers

Dear KSEA Members,

We are delighted to announce that the 36th annual US-Korea Conference (UKC 2023) will take place from August 2 to 5, 2023, at the Hyatt Regency DFW (Dallas-Fort Worth), Texas, USA. The conference is jointly organized by the Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association (KSEA), the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies (KOFST), and the Korea-U.S. Science Cooperation Center (KUSCO/NRF). (

This year’s conference theme is “Discovery, Innovation, and Dissemination for Transformative Impact”, and it aims to offer unique opportunities for participants to actively engage in various symposiums and forums, focused on the transformative impact of science, technology, and entrepreneurship on our daily lives, which have been significantly challenged and altered by the pandemic.

UKC 2023 will bring together over 1,000 scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs, government officials, corporate executives, and policy-makers, providing a platform for sharing ideas, experiences, and expertise. We are confident that the conference will be a productive and engaging event, and we encourage you to submit your papers and participate in this exciting opportunity.

Technical Group Symposiums

On behalf of the UKC 2023 Program Committee and organizing/sponsoring organizations, we are excited to invite you to UKC 2023 Technical Group Symposiums, where participants present and discuss significant research findings, R&D trends, and prospects of sciences and technologies in the technical groups listed below:

A-1. Physics (PHY)
A-2. Chemistry (CHM)
A-3. Mathematics, Geology, Meteorology, Statistics (MAS)
B-1. Medical Science, Pharmaceutical Science, Veterinary Medicine, Physical Education (MPS)
B-2. Agriculture, Ecology, Food, Nutrition (FAN)
B-3/C-1. Biological and Biomedical Sciences (Biology, Molecular Biology, Cognitive Science, Botany, Zoology, Biomechanics, etc.) / Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering (BME)
C-2. Chemical, Textile, Energy, and Nuclear Engineering (CHE)
C-3. Mechanical, Aerospace, and Naval Engineering (MAN)
C-4. Materials Science and Engineering, Nanotechnology (MSE)
C-5. Civil and Environmental Engineering, Architecture (CEA)
C-6. Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE)
C-7. Computer and Information Sciences (CIT)
C-8. Industrial, Manufacturing, and Systems Engineering, Management Sciences, Operations Research (IMS)

D-1. Education Research, STEM and Social Sciences

You are invited to submit a one-page paper to deliver presentations at the Technical Group Symposium. The one-page paper template must be completed by May 15, 2023. During the submission process, a technical group (A-1 to D-1) must be specified where the paper will be considered for an oral presentation or a poster presentation. All papers must be written in English. The submitted papers will be reviewed and selected by each Technical Group Symposium Chairs. Accepted papers will be published in the electronic version of the UKC 2023 Proceedings. 

We look forward to welcoming you to Dallas in August. Please stay tuned for the next announcement for paper submission and other conference details. Should you have any questions, please contact us at


Chang-Yong Nam, UKC 2023 Program Chair
Yongho Sohn, UKC 2023 Conference Chair
Tai Sik Lee, UKC 2023 Conference Co-Chai